Tipping Points: How Introverts Spread Big Ideas

Big ideas need not be championed by big personalities. Introverts are equipped to create tipping points by quietly influencing large groups from within.

9 Opportunities to Seize During These Difficult Times

Even when the world is in turmoil, opportunities for a better future are all around. But to seize them, you must control your anxiety.

From Low Self-Esteem to President: A Lesson On Overcoming Self-Doubt

Low self-esteem can grip all of us. And feeling self-doubt is part of being human. Understanding your psychology can help you overcome it.

Lower Your Serotonin to Lower Your Social Anxiety

Serotonin can treat all kinds of psychological issues, but research suggests people who suffer from social anxiety actually need less of it.

Afraid To Quit Your Job? Decades Of Research Says You Should Do It Anyway

If you’re the type of person who thinks, “No, I’ve made my decision—I’ll trust my gut and stick it out,” you’ll be not so pleased to know you probably made the wrong choice.

26 Insecurity Signals and the Simple Behavior Changes to Fix Them

We all have nervous habits we display in uncomfortable situations that make us look weak. Once you recognize yours, they’re surprisingly easy to correct.

The Psychology of Dressing Well (And Why You Must To Get Anywhere In Life)

I used to be a sloppy dresser. I never liked that I had to dress a certain way to get the respect I thought I deserved or to get people to listen to me. “What a sham!” I would tell myself. “People should respect me because I know what I’m talking about, not because I’m…

Superhero Leadership: 3 Lessons From Marvel Comics’ Unlikely Success

If you want to become successful, there are three important leadership lessons from Marvel’s story that will help you become a superhero leader.

Nobody Likes the “Idea Guy”

One time I had a “great” idea for a telephone company. Service would be free—all the calls you want! But you’d have to listen to advertisements before each one. I asked my friend what he thought the idea was worth. His answer: “I don’t know. Telephone companies make a lot of money. Maybe $1 billion?”…

Lazy Expert Syndrome: How to Stay on Top of Your Game

We all eventually suffer from “lazy expert syndrome.” The best way to snap out of it and grow is to mentor someone new to your field.