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Category Archives: Productivity

Fear and the Very First Step

I remember the day I got the email to play my very first gig. A local musician found my Myspace music page (don’t try to look it up, it doesn’t exist anymore), and invited me to open for him at some dive bar in a Portland suburb. I remember feeling incredibly flattered. Most bands work their asses… Continue…

"But I'm Just a Waitress"

I was in the car with a friend the other day. We were driving to dinner and talking about life. I like to ask people hard questions—”What do you really want from your life?” and “How do you know it’s the right answer?” She was telling me about the things she dreamed of for herself… Continue…

The Best To-Do List App for the Smart Risk-Taker

Fellow Riskologist, For the last few weeks, we’ve focused on finding and addressing fear so you can move forward with big projects in your life. Before you clear away underlying fears, getting started on a big project can feel like pushing a boulder up a hill while breathing through a straw. But once they’re dealt… Continue…

The 10 Bands Theory of Originality

Fellow Riskologist, What does it take to be truly original? When you think about your favorite artists, musicians, writers—or any other creative type—do you ever ask yourself, “How do they do it?” Would you be surprised to know the answer is they just ripped off their own favorite artists? Would you be more surprised if… Continue…

You Get By With A Little Help From Yourself

Fellow Riskologist, When someone with a traditional job asks what it’s like to be self-employed, my favorite answer is: “It’s totally amazing, but my boss is an asshole.” The answer’s a joke, of course, but anyone who’s self-employed knows there’s a bit of truth to it. Going to work, most people are accustomed to showing… Continue…