Right... now!

Last updated on November 20, 2015

What have I been up to recently? Good question. Here’s a brief overview (and a realization that I am working on too many things!):

Riskology: After realizing how skewed towards introversion the Riskology audience is, I’m working to completely realign our content to serve introverts better and help them build stronger relationships and become better leaders.

Trekmaker: What started as a scratch to my own itch, my partner Stephen and I are scaling up our course building platform to serve the masses. We’re really excited about what we created for ourselves and enough people have asked for something like it that it just makes sense to invest more time and energy in it.

Travel Hacking Cartel: My partners Chris & Steph and I have suffered from Sisyphus Syndrome—feeling like you’re perpetually pushing a rock up a hill—for about a year. Recently, though, we made some changes to the way we work that I’m hopeful will help us get to the top of the mountain a little faster. 🙂

World Domination Summit: After 5 years at the helm of “Team Adventure” for WDS, it’s finally time for me to make my departure from the core team. I’ll be as involved as ever through the 2016 event but working to replace myself and install a team that can create more joy for our attendees than I ever did on my own. I’ll miss organizing world records, but I’m excited about the fun things I’ll be able to do with the new free time.

Meanwhile, Jess and I continue to soak up life here in Portland with our two ridiculous dogs. So grateful for everything I get to work on and the amazing people in my life.